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SECTION 1: RETURNSECTION 2: KEEPBenefit Authorization Form Emergency Data Transcripts: NCLB (Orig. required if applicable) ( Cert ( Class (48 units) Credential (Certificated) Contract (Certificated) Pay Plan (Certificated) Salary Plan (Classified) Salary Placement (Certificated) Professional Development (Certificated) Professional Growth (Classified) SSA 1945 (Certificated, Certificated Substitute if applicable) BTSA New Hire Notification (Certificated if applicable) Online Access to Student Records (Certificated if applicable) Network/Email Access Form Serna Center ID Badge Request Experience Verification Terms of Employment (Classified, Management)Appendix A: Holidays, Vacation and Leave A-1 Holidays A-2 Vacation Allowance and Leave: Classified EmployeesSEIU A-3 Vacation Allowance and Leave: Classified EmployeesTeamsters A-4 Vacation Allowance and Leave: Certificated EmployeesSCTA Appendix B: Benefits B-1 Sacramento City Teachers Association (SCTA) B-2 Service Employees International Union (SEIU) B-3 Flexible Health Benefit Stipend for Members of UPE and Non-Represented Groups B-4 Teamsters B-5 Classified Supervisors Association B-6 Dental Coverage B-7 Vision Coverage B-8 Life Insurance B-9 Voluntary Life Insurance B-10 COBRA Appendix C: Payroll, Pay Dates, Salaries C-1 Flexible Reimbursement Accounts C-2 Payroll Deposit/Deduction Options C-3 Pay Date Schedules for New Hires and Reassignments Appendix D: Commission on Teacher Credentialing and Union Information Appendix E: Day-to-Day Substitutes and Eligibility Lists Appendix F: Commonly Asked Questions __________________________________ Employee SignatureAudited by: Date:_____________ Name: _____________________________ 09/11/06, Rev. 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