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Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________________________________ Organization: ______________________________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________________________ State/Zip Code: ______________________________________________________________________ Work Phone: ______________________________________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________ If you have any question, please email  HYPERLINK "mailto:dan-sanchez@scusd.edu" dan-sanchez@scusd.edu NOTICE TO BIDDERS Request for Proposal # 170808 The Sacramento City Unified School District Nutrition Services Dept. is requesting proposals from providers of Fresh Sliced Bagged Apples and Bagged Grapes to provide the highest quality fruit to its students. Requests for Proposals (RFP) must be received prior to 10:30 a.m., on August 24, 2017. Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the RFP number and title, and returned to Sacramento City Unified School District, Purchasing Services, 3051 Redding Ave., Sacramento, CA 95820. RFPs received later than the designated time and specified date will be returned to the bidder unopened. Facsimile (FAX) copies of the proposal will not be accepted. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any combination thereof and to waive any informality in the bidding process. Copies of the bid documents may be obtained from Sacramento City Unified School District website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.scusd.edu/purchasing-services" www.scusd.edu/purchasing-services, or by contacting Purchasing Services, 3051 Redding Ave., Sacramento, CA 95820. Refer any questions to: Dan Sanchez, e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:purchasing@scusd.edu" purchasing@scusd.edu or Telephone: 916-277-6662 Published: August 9, 2017 August 16. 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # Bidder Information Sheet 2 Notice to Bidders 3 Table of Contents 4 Bidders Checklist 5 General Terms Instructions and Conditions 6 Scope of Work 14 Special Terms and Conditions 15 Price Sheet 20 Non-Collusion Declaration 21 Authorized Vendor Signature 22 Bidders Checklist Bidder Name _______________ Submit this Bidders Checklist with your bid document. Failure to submit this Checklist at bid opening may deem your bid as non-responsive. Required items Bidder Information Sheet page 2 Bidders Checklist (this form) page 5 Scope of Work page 14 Special Terms and Conditions page 15 - 19 Price Sheet page 20 Non-Collusion Declaration page 21 Authorized Signature page 22 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS General - This information to Bidders is in addition to any instructions or conditions stated elsewhere in the Contract Document. BIDs - To receive consideration, RFPs shall be made in accordance with the following instructions: Deadline for Receipt of RFPs RFPs will be received prior to 10:30 A.M. on August 24, 2017 after which time bids will be opened and publicly read aloud. Envelopes containing a Bid must be sealed, prominently marked with the Bid number, bid title, bid opening time/date and name of bidder, and submitted to: Sacramento City Unified School District Purchasing Services 3051 Redding Avenue Sacramento, California 95820 Attn: Dan Sanchez Bids/Proposals: To receive consideration, Bids/Proposals shall be made in accordance with the following terms: THE BID All items on the form should be stated in figures, and signatures of all individuals must be in long hand. The completed form should be without interlineations, alterations, or erasures. Unsigned bids will not be accepted. FAX BIDS Facsimile copies of bids will not be accepted for formal advertised bids. DEFINITIONS Responsible; a bidding party possessing the skill, judgment, integrity and financial ability necessary to timely perform and complete the contract being bid. Responsive; a bid which meets all of the specifications set forth in the request for bids. NAME AND NATURE OF BIDDERS LEGAL ENTITY The bidder(s) shall specify in the bid and in the bond, if furnished as a guarantee, the name and nature of its legal entity and any fictitious name under which it does any business covered by the bond. The bid shall be signed under the correct firm name by an authorized officer. WITHDRAWAL OF BID Bid proposals may be withdrawn by the bidders prior to the time fixed for the opening of bids, but may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the opening of bids. A successful bidder shall not be relieved of the bid submitted without the Districts consent or bidders recourse to Public Contract Code Sections 5100 et. seq. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT OR PURCHASE ORDER The bidder(s) shall not assign or transfer by operation of law or otherwise any or all of its rights, burdens, duties or obligations without the prior written consent of the surety on the bond, if any, and the District. BID NEGOTIATIONS A bid response to any specific item of this bid with terms such as negotiable, will negotiate or of similar intent, will be considered as non-responsive to the specific item. PRICES Prices should be typed and shown as instructed on the bid form for each item, in the amount of quantity specified in the bid form. Taxes shall not be included. Errors may be crossed off and corrections made prior to bid opening only, and must be initialed in ink by the person signing the bid or bidders authorized representative. If during the contract period there should be a decrease in prices of the items bid, a corresponding decrease in prices on the balance of the deliveries shall be made to the District for as long as the lower prices are in effect, but at no time shall the prices charged the District exceed the prices bid. The District shall be given the benefit of any lower prices which may, for comparable quality and delivery be given by the contractor to any other school district or any other state, county, municipal or local governmental agency in Sacramento County for products listed herein. TAXES Taxes shall not be included in unit prices. The District will pay only the State Sales and Use Tax; however, California Use Tax will be paid to out-of-state vendors only when their permit number is shown on both their bid and invoices. The successful bidder(s) shall list separately any taxes payable by the District and shall certify on the invoices that Federal Excise Tax is not included in the prices listed thereon. Federal Excise Tax is not applicable, as school districts are exempt therefrom. The District, upon request, shall furnish the contractor such Federal Tax Exemption Certificates as may be required, 10. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE The successful bidder(s) may be required to provide a performance guarantee. Such requirement shall be at the discretion of the Districts Manager of Purchasing Services. A continuous performance bond in the amount of 100% of the total amount of the award executed by an admitted surety in the State of California and satisfactory to the District and filed with the Manager of Purchasing Services is the preferred form of performance guarantee. Said bond, if required, shall be furnished within ten (10) calendar days from the date of Notice of Award. Failure to promptly submit a performance guarantee when requested may result in the rejection of an otherwise acceptable low bid. 11. BRAND NAME AND NUMBER The bidder(s) shall state the brand name and number in the column provided. If none is indicated, it shall be understood that the bidder is quoting on the exact brand name and number specified in the bid form. Should any item for which bids are requested by patented, or otherwise protected or designated by the particular name of the maker and the bidder desires to bid on an item of equal character and quality, he may offer such substitute item by clearly indicating that such substitution is intended and specify the brand. Such substitution shall be accepted only if deemed by the Manager of Purchasing Services to be equal in all respects to that specified. If samples are requested by the Manager of Purchasing Services for this determination, they shall be submitted in accordance with Paragraph 12, except that they may be submitted after the bid opening. 12. SAMPLES Samples shall be furnished free of cost to the District after the bid opening. If requested, they are to be sent within seven (7) days to Purchasing Services, 3051 Redding Avenue, Sacramento California, 95820, unless otherwise specified. The District reserves the right to reject the bid of any bidder failing to submit samples as requested. Samples must be plainly marked with name of bidder, bid number and date of the bid opening. Samples of the successful bidder(s) may be retained for comparison with deliveries. Bidder(s) may pick up samples (if not destroyed by test) on notice from the Manager of Purchasing Services. If not picked up within fifteen (15) calendar days after date of such notice, samples may be disposed of by the District. Bidder(s) (or their agent) hereby assume all risks of loss or damage to samples whatever the cause. 13. QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF MATERIALS OR SERVICES The successful bidder(s) shall furnish and deliver the quantities designated in the bid or purchase order. All materials, supplies or services furnished under the contract shall be in accordance with the bid specifications and the Districts sample or the sample furnished by the bidder(s) and accepted by the District. Materials or supplies which, in the opinion of the Manager of Purchasing Services, are not in accordance and conformity with said specifications and samples shall be rejected and removed from the District premises at the bidders expense. When a sample is taken from a shipment and sent to a laboratory for testing and the test shows that the sample does not comply with the bid specifications, the cost of such test shall be paid by the bidder(s). In bidding, the bidder(s) certifies that all materials conform to all applicable requirements of CAL OSHA and all other requirements of law. All items of equipment and individual components, where applicable standards have been established, shall be listed by the Underwriter Laboratories, Inc., and bear the UL label. DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS The quantity shown is the estimate of consumption for the contract period. The needs of the District may be substantially more or less than such referenced quantities. The articles, supplies or services listed in the bid and required during the contract period shall be ordered and purchased from the successful bidder(s) during such period. The District shall have the right to issue purchase orders up to and including the last day of the contract period even though the time provided for delivery may extend beyond such period. The District reserves the right to acquire from other sources during the life of the contract such items as may be required for testing, evaluation or experimental purposes, or for special programs of an emergency nature, and purchases made by individual schools. 15. ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF BIDS The District may purchase an individual item or combination of items, whichever is in the best interest of the District, provided also that bidder(s) may specify that the Districts acceptance of one item shall be contingent upon the Districts acceptance of one or more additional items submitted in the same bid. Bids shall remain open and valid and subject to acceptance for ninety (90) calendar days after the bid opening. 16. BID EXCEPTIONS All exceptions which are taken in response to this bid must be stated clearly. The taking of bid exceptions or providing false, incomplete or unresponsive statements may result in the disqualification of the bid. Allowance of exceptions will be determined by the governing board whose decisions shall be final. Any bid exceptions or additional conditions requested after bid closure, which are not detailed within the bid response, may result in disqualification of the bid. No oral or telegraphic modification of any bid submitted will be considered. AWARDS The District reserves the right of determination that items bid meet or do not meet bid specifications. Further, the Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in the bidding. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT Issuance of a Purchase Order shall be evidence the contractual agreement between the bidder(s) and the District and the bidders acceptance of these Bid Instructions and Conditions. DELIVERY Time and manner of delivery are essential factors in proper performance under the contract. Unless otherwise specified, the successful bidder(s) shall be responsible for delivery and shall pay all costs, including drayage, freight and packing for delivery to locations in the District as may be specified in the bid form. Each item shall be securely and properly packed and clearly marked as to contents. All items purchased for delivery by truck or freight line shall be palletized. The preferred pallet size should be 48 long by 40 wide. All shipments shall be accompanied by a packing slip and the District purchase order number shall appear on all cases and packages. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS For all products requiring a Material Safety Data Sheet The District requires that a Material Safety Data Sheet accompany all orders at the time of delivery. DEFAULT BY CONTRACTOR The District shall hold the bidder(s) responsible for any damage which may be sustained because of failure or neglect to comply with any terms or conditions listed herein. It is specifically provided and agreed that time shall be of the essence in meeting the contract delivery requirements. If the successful bidder(s) fails or neglects to furnish or deliver any of the materials, supplies or services listed herein at the prices named and at the time and place herein stated or otherwise fails or neglects to comply with the terms of the bid, the District may, upon written notice to the bidder, cancel the contract/purchase order in its entirety or cancel or rescind any or all items affected by such default, and may, whether or not the contract is cancelled in whole or in part, purchase the materials, supplies or services elsewhere without further notice to the bidder. The prices paid by the District at the time such purchases are made shall be considered the prevailing market price. Any extra cost incurred by such default may be collected by the District from the bidder, or deducted from any funds due the bidder. INSURANCE The successful bidder(s) shall maintain insurance adequate to protect him from claims under Workers Compensation Laws and from claims for damages for personal injury, including death and damage to property, which may arise from bidders operations under the contract. Also, the bidder may be required to file proof of such insurance, naming Sacramento City Unified School District as an additional insured by separate endorsement as follows: The bidder is required to provide proof of insurance to the Governing Board of a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing occurrence based coverage to be in effect during the term of the contract. Bodily Injury shall be $1,000,000, combined single limit or $1,000,000 per person, $1,000,000 per accident. Property Damage shall be $500,000 per loss. Failure to furnish such evidence and insurance, if required, may be considered default by the bidder(s). INVOICES AND PAYMENTS Unless otherwise specified, the successful bidder(s) shall render invoices in duplicate for materials delivered or services performed under the contract, to the: Sacramento Unified School District, Accounting Services Department, 5735 47th Avenue, Sacramento, California, 95824. Invoices shall be submitted under the same firm name as shown on the bid. The successful bidder(s) shall list separately any taxes PAYABLE BY THE District and shall certify on the invoices that Federal Excise Tax is not included in the prices listed thereon. The District shall make payment for materials, supplies, or services furnished under the contract within a reasonable and proper time after acceptance thereof and approval of the invoices by the authorized District Representative. AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS In compliance with Sections 4300 to 4305 of the California Government Code, only materials produced or manufactured in the United States will be procured by the District, except for those which fall within the purview of Sections 4301, 4302 and 4303.5. In compliance with Code Sections 4330 to 4334 inclusive California products shall receive preference over materials made elsewhere. If a bidder is proposing an article of foreign make, the fact must be stated in his bid. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS: A. Assignment of Contracts The Contractor shall not assign or transfer by operation of law or otherwise any or all of its rights, burdens, duties or obligations without the prior written consent of the surety on the performance bond (if one is required) and of the District. B. Binding Effect This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the Contractor and District and their respective successors and assigns. C. Severability If any provisions of this agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provisions hereof. D. Amendments The terms of this Agreement shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever except by written agreement signed by the parties. E. Entire Agreement This Bid and all attachments thereto constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. There are no understandings, agreements, representations or warranties, express or implied, not specified in the Agreement. Bidder, by the execution of his/her signature on the Bid Form acknowledges that he/she has and read this Agreement, understands it, and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions. F. Force Majeure Clause The parties to the contract shall be excused from performance thereunder during the time and to the extent that they are prevented from obtaining, delivering or performing by act of God, fire, strike, loss or shortage of transportation facilities, lockout, or commandeering of materials, products, plants or facilities by the government, when satisfactory evidence thereof is presented to the other party, provided that it is satisfactorily established that the nonperformance is not due to the fault or neglect of the party not performing. G. Hold Harmless Clause The successful bidder agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless Sacramento City Unified School District, its governing board, related divisions and entities, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature which the District, its officers, agents, and employees may sustain or injure or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the bidder or bidders agents, employees or subcontractors performance under the terms of this contract, expecting only liability arising out of the sole negligence of the District. H. Prevailing Law In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between these instructions and state or federal law or regulations, the latter shall prevail. Additionally, all equipment to be supplied or services to be performed under the bid proposal shall conform to all applicable requirements of local, state and federal law. I. Governing Law and Venue In the event of litigation, the bid documents, specifications and related matters shall be governed by and construed only in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Venue shall only be with the appropriate state or federal court located in Sacramento County. J. Permits and Licenses The successful bidder(s) and all of his employees or agents shall secure and maintain in force such licenses and permits as are required by law, in connection with the furnishing of materials, articles or services herein listed. All operations and materials shall be in accordance with law. K. Toll Charges If it is necessary that the District place toll or long distance telephone calls in connection with this contract (for complaints, adjustments, shortages, failure to deliver, etc.), the successful bidder shall accept charges for such calls on a reverse charge basis. L. Contract Documents The complete contract includes the following documents: The advertisement for bids, the bid instructions and conditions, specifications and drawings, if any, the bid and its acceptance by the District, the purchase order, and all amendments thereto. All of these documents shall be interpreted to include all provisions of the other documents as though fully set out therein. M. Independent Contractor While engaged in carrying out and complying with terms and conditions of the contract, the bidder agrees by his/her signature on the Bid Form that he/she is an independent contractor and not an officer, employee or agent of the District. N. Anti-discrimination It is the policy of the Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education, that in connection with all work performed under Purchasing Contracts there shall be no discrimination against any prospective or active employee engaged in the work because of sexual orientation, physical and mental disability, medical conditions, marital status, age, pregnancy, veteran status, gender, race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, or religious creed. Therefore, the bidder agrees to comply with applicable Federal and California laws including, but not limited to, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. In addition, the successful bidder(s) agrees to require like compliance by all subcontractors employed on the work by him. O. Termination Without Cause This Agreement may be terminated by the District upon giving thirty days advance written notice of an intention to terminate. P. Product Shortages If the successful bidder is unable to supply any product listed herein, the District may purchase such product at a fair market value from another source. The difference in cost and all delivery charges shall be the responsibility of the supplier listed on the original contract agreement. SCOPE OF WORK The Sacramento City Unified School District Nutrition Services Dept. is continually striving to promote healthy food options to its students. 鶹ý Nutrition Services has a Farm to School program which seeks to increase childrens participation in the school meal program and promote consumption of fruits and vegetables, thereby improving childhood nutrition, reducing hunger and preventing obesity and obesity related diseases. To help meet these goals, Nutrition Services is seeking to enhance the health of school meals by decreasing the distance between farmers and students. Nutrition Services is striving to achieve this goal by working with vendors who can cultivate relationships with various local farmers that can provide local produce to the District. The term of this RFP is one (1) year from School Board approval and then renewable for two (2) one (1) year terms at the discretion of the District. The District is seeking only one vendor. This is a direct ship delivery bid to 鶹ý Central Warehouse located at 3051 Redding Ave. Sacramento, CA. 95820 Partial bids or bids listing items as special order will not be accepted; such bids will be considered as non-responsive. RFPs must be submitted to the Sacramento City Unified School District, Purchasing Services Department, 3051 Redding Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95820 prior to 10:30 a.m., August 24, 2017. Submit one (1) unbound original signature and three (3) bound copies; failure to provide may deem your bid non-responsive. All questions regarding this RFP must be submitted by Friday, August 18, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Send all questions Attention: Dan Sanchez at  HYPERLINK "mailto:purchasing@scusd.edu" purchasing@scusd.edu; reference bid number in subject. No questions will be answered after the above listed date and time; telephone and fax questions will not be answered. Vendor Name__________ Special Terms and Conditions GENERAL INFORMATION All suppliers shall comply with the U.S. Pure Food and Drug Act, California Department of Agriculture requirements, county and city laws and ordinances for their production handling, processing, marking, and labeling. All prepared products must be prepared without the use of sulfating agents. PRICING All price quotations will be Delivered Price to include freight. The amount of dollars spent by Nutrition Services for the purchase of fresh sliced bagged apples and bagged grapes for the FY 16/17 was $623,905.00. The Supplier may use this figure to determine delivered cost quote for FY 17/18. Nutrition Services reserves the right to add related items to the contract at any time during the period of the contract. Any items that may need to be added to this price request shall exhibit the delivered price as all other existing/awarded products on the bid. ORDERING Nutrition Services will place weekly orders via email by purchase order for the duration of the regular school year. Nutrition Services reserves the right to refrain placing an order as needed due to abundance inventory conditions, DOD entitlement (none for FY 17/18), poor product quality. DELIVERY Delivery appointments are preferred on Friday or Monday from 6am-1pm. No weekend, holiday or dark drops. If you are proposing a delivery day other than Friday or Monday, please write in proposed delivery day ____________. If Supplier is requested to make an emergency delivery of product, how quickly could a delivery be made to the Central Warehouse? _______________. Sufficient time must be allowed at time of delivery for adequate inspection of product, not only for quantity, but also quality of product. Nutrition Services reserves the right to reject products delivered in error, not delivered according to specifications, of sub-standard quality or past peak ripeness. Produce must be delivered in refrigerated trucks to reduce perishability. Carriers trucks are to be clean, free of excessive dirt and debris. REPORTS/INVOICES Product shortages at the time of delivery will be noted on the delivery packing slip and signed by the Carriers driver and the invoice shall only reflect the amount physically received for payment. Product of bad quality or short best buy dates noticed after the delivery (within three business days) will be replaced or credited at full cost with no additional cost to the district. The district will pay off individual invoices provided by the supplier with purchase order reference. Invoices and statements are preferred to be issued via email to:  HYPERLINK "robert-aldama@scusd.edu%20" robert-aldama@scusd.edu Suppliers will agree to net 30-day payment terms from date invoice is received. All deliveries must be accompanied by a computerized delivery packing slip or BOL. Packing slip/BOL is to include, for each item: item number identification, item description, quantity of item(s) delivered. Successful Supplier will be required to provide Nutrition Services a computer generated sales report by item on a request basis. This report must include items purchased and aggregate quantities, year-to-date purchase quantities per item and extended totals. AGREEMENT The District reserves the right to terminate this Agreement for default or for its convenience. If the agreement is terminated for convenience, the Supplier shall only be paid for service and products rendered to the date of termination. Nutrition Services reserves the rights to purchase produce items off contract utilizing other competitive methods directly from growers or other suppliers when Supplier cannot source product or offer additional local variety and seasonality to our school meal program. Nutrition Services reserves the right to add or remove products or may purchase more or less than estimated. SUBSITUTIONS Substitutions in quality or quantity shall receive prior approval from Nutrition Services in order to qualify for payment. If substitution is unavoidable due market conditions, Supplier shall offer equivalent item with Nutrition Services approval at no additional cost to the District. BUY AMERICAN In accordance with Buy America, Buy California every effort will be made to provide first locally grown (250 miles), then California grown, then American grown produce. If California or U.S. grown produce is not available in sufficient quantities to provide affordability, then only produce inspected and approved by USDA is acceptable. Section 104 (d) of the William F. Goodling Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 1998 requires schools participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) in the contiguous United States to purchase, the maximum extent practicable, domestic commodities or products for use in meals served under the NSLP and SBP. The legislation defines domestic commodity or product as one that is produced in the United States and it processed in the Unified States substantially using agricultural commodities that are produced in the United States. The report accompanying the legislation stipulated that substantially means that over 51 percent of the final processed product consists of agricultural commodities that were grown domestically. Exemptions to the Buy American provision are listed below: When product is not produced or manufactured in the U.S. in sufficient and reasonable available quantities of a satisfactory quality; or Competitive bids reveal the costs of a U.S. product are significantly higher than the non-domestic product. FOOD SAFETY All suppliers shall comply with the U.S. Pure Food and Drug Act, California Department of Agriculture requirements, county and city laws and ordinances for their production handing, processing, marking, and labeling. All prepared products must be prepared without the use of sulfating agents. Produce certified free from pesticide residues is preferred when available and competitively priced. Product Recall- To ensure the safety of our students Contractors must communicate all product recall information in a timely manner and plan pick up and reimbursement if necessary. Provide information on your companys policy for handling recalled product. Include any current or past recalls within the last 3 years and their disposition. DISTRIBUTOR QUALIFICATIONS Supplier must have Facility Sanitation Program. Supplier must provide Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) documentation of food safety and sanitation with this bid. Supplier must have a documented Hazard Analysis Critical Control Program (HACCP) including product recall. Enclose a copy of program with this bid. COMMITMENT TO SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE Supplier must have food service sales specialist that will be able to work directly with Nutrition personnel on a weekly basis to assist with product sourcing, ordering, and availability. This person must be a school food service expert and understand the fruit and vegetable subgroup requirements in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs. They must have knowledge of USDAs Food Buying Guide for fruit and vegetable equivalents to serving size. METHOD OF AWARD The District will award bid based on a point system. The following scoring system will be used in determining which of the three lowest bidders will meet the best interest of the District. There is a possible score of 100 points Cost: Lowest cost will be determined by total cost of all line items bid, multiplied by the total of anticipated usage for each item. Lowest Bidder = 50 points Second Lowest = 40 points Third Lowest = 30 points Geographical Preference: Provide local produce grown within a 250-mile radius of Sacramento, Ca. Best Able to Meet Preference = 25 points 2nd Best Able to Meet Preference = 15 points 3rd Best Able to Meet Preference = 5 points Past Performance/ Service Reliability Awarded Supplier must have a proven ability to deliver high quality produce in a timely matter, to a large customer, requiring weekly deliveries. References of past and present customers may be checked to determine ability to meet required service levels. Best Able to Meet Service Requirements = 25 points 2nd Best Able to Meet Service Requirements = 15 points 3rd Best Able to Meet Service Requirements = 5 points *In the event that two bidders score the same amount of points, the bid will be awarded to the Supplier that is determined most advantageous to the District.  ItemEstimated Annual UsageUnitDescriptionDelivered Case PriceIdentify Location Grown (i.e. WA)Identify Location Packed (i.e. CA)Identify Location Shipped (i.e. CA)13,000CaseDomestic Red Sweet Apples Slices, 12/3# Bags23,500CaseDomestic Red Sweet Apple Slices, 200/2 oz. Bags (1/2 cup serving)32,000CaseDomestic Green Sweet Apple Slices, 200/2 oz. Bags (1/2 cup serving)42,000CaseDomestic Opal Apple Slices, 200/2 oz. Bags (1/2 cup serving)53,500CaseDomestic Preferred Red Seedless Grapes, 100/3 oz. Bags (1/2 cup serving) Total Cost$ PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE Suppliers are advised that the District reserves the right to reject a bid from a Supplier that cannot demonstrate the ability to provide the necessary products and services required under this agreement. Provide 3 references from school districts with like size to 鶹ý with contact names and numbers. ________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person School District Telephone # ________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person School District Telephone # ________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person School District Telephone # NON-COLLUSION DECLARATION TO BE EXECUTED BY AND SUBMITTED WITH BID (Public Contract Code Section 7106) I, , declare that I am the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proponent has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proponent to put in a false or sham proposal and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proponent or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from responding; that the proponent has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proponent, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the Contract of anyone interested in proposed Contract; that all statements contained in the proposal are true, and, further, that the proponent has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price of any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. ___________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Name of Vendor ___________________________________________ Printed name of Authorized Company Representative ___________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Company Representative Authorized Vendor Signature Prime Point of Contact Proposal Submitted by: The undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the presentations made in this bid are true and correct. Date Signature/Title Type or Print Name Name of Company Address City and State Area Code Telephone Number Fax Number ____________________________ Federal Tax Id Number     Sacramento City Unified School District Request for Proposal # 170808 Fresh Sliced Bagged Apples and Bagged Grapes Direct Delivery RFP 170808 Page  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 22 Sacramento City Unified School District Purchasing Services 3051 Redding Ave, Sacramento, CA 95820 T: 916/277-6662*F: 916/277-7110  569<BCDEFsخؚǚxǚfUA0 h<5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h&h`dh 5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$h h5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$h#h4h4CJOJQJ^JaJh hH5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h h45CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h&h`dh5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h1jh 5CJ4OJQJU^JaJ4mHnHu h 5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h)jh 5CJ4OJQJU^JaJ4h#h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJh !6CDEFat   $0`0a$gdH $]a$gd $1$a$gdstz    ͹p`K04jhHh CJOJPJQJUaJmHnHu(hH5CJOJPJQJaJmHnHuh`dh5CJ OJQJ^J#h`dh5CJOJQJ^JaJhB'5CJOJQJ^JaJ&h`dh5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$h&h`dh5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h&h`dho5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h h<5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h htDn5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h h5CJ4OJQJ^JaJ4h     " *+UVӻzlzl^MM88)jhHhHCJOJPJQJUaJ hHhoCJOJPJQJaJhX0CJOJPJQJaJh'NCJOJPJQJaJhdkCJOJPJQJaJh"CJOJPJQJaJ hHhHCJOJPJQJaJ&hHhH5>*CJOJPJQJaJ.hHhH5CJ4OJPJQJaJ4mHnHu.hHh$'5CJOJPJQJaJmHnHu(h$'5CJOJPJQJaJmHnHu % &     j k   i j 2 gdHgdH$a$gdH $0`0a$gdH   d e notvGHyz1$gd 1$7$8$H$gdo $1$7$8$H$a$gd dgdHgdHVklnoë{c{cN9c)h 5B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ hph)hdk5B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ hph/h`dh5B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ hph/h`dhuq5B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ hph/h`dh5B*CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$hph/h`dh5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph hHhHCJOJPJQJaJ)jhHhHCJOJPJQJUaJ,hHhH>*B*CJOJPJQJaJph #*<=Hsv鬗kSk;kS/hf{h5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph/hf{hm5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph)hA/5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph,hf{hB*CJOJQJ^JaJhph)hj5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph)hdk5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph&h B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph&hQ_B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph,h`dhB*CJOJQJ^JaJhph:Һu^G3G3G3G&h B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph,h`dhB*CJOJQJ^JaJhph,h"hB*CJOJQJ^JaJhph/h"ho5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph/h"hm5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph)h"5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph/h`dh5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph/hf{h5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph)hA/5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph:DEXy{|ТЊr[@5jho5>*B*CJOJQJU^JaJhph,h`dhB*CJOJQJ^JaJhph/h`dh$'5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph/h`dh5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph*h@Ahm0J5CJOJQJ^JaJh/hmhm5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph2jhm5B*CJOJQJU^JaJhph)hm5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph;EGH\]y{}鴞vdRC4ChCJOJQJ^JaJhh"CJOJQJ^JaJh#h"hCJOJQJ^JaJh#h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJhh`dhCJOJQJ^Jh/h`dh5B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph*h6ho0J5CJOJQJ^JaJh5jho5>*B*CJOJQJU^JaJhph2h`dho5>*B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph,ho5>*B*CJOJQJ^JaJhph z{|}&'TU 1$gd 1$gd 1$gd $1$a$gd $1$^a$gduq $1$a$gd1$gdUfiv۵ۡۡےۃtےےےbN&h`dh5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$h#h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJhhzCJOJQJ^JaJhhrCJOJQJ^JaJhhn_CJOJQJ^JaJh&h`dh5CJOJQJ^JaJh&h`dh5CJOJQJ^JaJh"h`dh5CJOJQJ^Jh#h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJh#h"h"CJOJQJ^JaJhUgh $1$a$gd $1$a$gd1$gd 1$]gd 1$]gd 1$]gd 1$gd 1$gd !W[tu1$gd{V1$^`gd1$^`gduq $1$a$gd p1$`gd1$gd $1$a$gd!CEJQVWZaghilstuxڴڴڥږufWfWWh{VCJOJQJ^JaJhh8dCJOJQJ^JaJh#h`dh8dCJOJQJ^JaJhhCJOJQJ^JaJhhCJOJQJ^JaJhhn_CJOJQJ^JaJh#h`dhuqCJOJQJ^JaJh&h`dh5CJOJQJ^JaJh#h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJh&h`dh5CJ OJQJ^JaJ h]bɶp^N?hA/5CJOJQJ^Jhhf{hCJOJQJ^Jh"h`dhcCh5CJOJQJ^Jh%h`dhcCh5>*CJOJQJ^Jh%h`dhuq5>*CJOJQJ^Jhh`dhuqCJOJQJ^Jhh`dhCJOJQJ^Jh%h`dh5>*CJOJQJ^Jh%h`dh f5>*CJOJQJ^Jhh`dh5CJ OJQJ^J&h`dh5CJOJQJ\^JaJ\]#7Khz{|.$ & F h1$a$gd $ a$gd$a$gdgd f $1$a$gd1$gd$a$gd ^`gd6V   Wgz{|̽m[mK: h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJh`dh f5CJOJQJ^J"h`dhcCh5CJOJQJ^Jh"h`dh5CJOJQJ^Jhh`dh CJOJQJ^Jhh`dhCJOJQJ^Jhho5CJOJQJ^Jhh7~5CJOJQJ^Jhh"5CJOJQJ^Jhhf{hCJOJQJ^Jh"hf{h$'5CJOJQJ^Jh"hf{h5CJOJQJ^Jh|.;56a{pq V$]$&&&&))))!-%-(-3-00005!5@8E8I8k8:: :1:^<h<U=ξ߾߾߭߾߾ߡߑߑ߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾߾h`dh>*CJOJQJ^JhS4CJOJQJ^J h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJh`dh5CJOJQJ^J h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJh`dhCJOJQJ^J"h`dh5>*CJOJQJ^J9.6{ V$&)) -!-005 5@8$ & F h1$a$gd$ hh^ha$gd$ h^a$gd $ ha$gd$ h0^`0a$gd$ & F h1$a$gd@8A8::^<_<U=#>@AFILNNOOPP $ ha$gd$ h8^a$gd$ & F h1$a$gd$ h0^`0a$gd $ ha$gdU=m=#>->@@AAF"F2I3IIIJJLLNNNNNOOOOOPPPfPgPPPPPP|QQQQ7R8R=RMRQRRRSSSSSVVୠ&h`dh5>*CJOJQJ^JaJh`dhOJQJ^J h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJ"h`dh5>*CJOJQJ^Jh`dhCJH*OJQJ^Jh`dhCJOJQJ^Jh`dh5CJOJQJ^J7P|Q}Q7R8RSSVVYYNZOZ[[\\]]u_$ h8a$gd $ h8a$gd$ h80^`0a$gd$ h^a$gd$ h8^a$gdV V4V7VWWYYYYYNZOZTZkZnZ[[[[[\\\\\]]]]]u_v_{___`````ccccccc&d'd,d=d@dceοΫΫΫΫΫΫΫΜΫh`dhcChCJOJQJ^J&h`dh5>*CJOJQJ^JaJh`dh-CJOJQJ^Jh`dhCJOJQJ^J"h`dh5>*CJOJQJ^Jh`dh5CJOJQJ^J5u_v_``cc&d'dceeesete$gshth i iii"j#jgdh 1$gd81$gdh $a$gd $$@&a$gdHgd$'$ h80^`0a$gd$ h8a$gdcedeeesetee*CJOJQJ^J"hh hS!5>*CJOJQJ^J"hh hH5>*CJOJQJ^Jhh CJOJQJ^Jhohh 5CJOJQJ^JhohH5CJOJQJ^JhY hH5CJOJQJ^JhY h5CJOJQJ^JhY 5CJOJQJ^J#jjjZk[klllllllll mm7n8n9nAnlo & Fdgd8m$ dgdN?gd gd$a$gdn_$a$gdHgdHgdh kkkkkkkkkl lll#l$lllϿ|g|VG3&h`dh`d5CJOJQJ\^JaJh`dhHCJOJQJ^J h6h0JCJOJQJ^J(h`dh>*B*CJOJQJ^Jph"h>*B*CJOJQJ^Jph+jh>*B*CJOJQJU^JphhCJOJQJ^Jhh hHCJOJQJ^JhohH5CJOJQJ^JhY h5CJOJQJ^JhY ho5CJOJQJ^JhY hY 5CJOJQJ^Jlllllllllll mmʹrcR=()hh`d5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ)hh 5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ h`dhCJOJQJ^JaJh`dhHCJOJQJ^J&h`dhH5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hH5CJ OJQJ\^JaJ hn_5CJ OJQJ\^JaJ hz5CJ OJQJ\^JaJ hr5CJ OJQJ\^JaJ hdz5CJ OJQJ\^JaJ &hn_hn_5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h,&r5CJ OJQJ\^JaJ m6n7n8n9nAnBn^nnnnnn oo=ojomoo4pCpapvpxppp®ziWiFiFFFW h-h\CJOJPJQJaJ#h-h85CJOJPJQJaJ h-h8CJOJPJQJaJ#h-hfD5CJOJPJQJaJ h-hfDCJOJPJQJaJ h-hN?CJOJPJQJaJ&h-hN?5>*CJOJPJQJaJ hhneCJOJQJ^JaJhneCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ hhVCJOJQJ^JaJlomowpxppppqqqqqqqr(ss]ttt & Fdgdo}m$ & FdgdN?m$^gd\ & Fgd8 dgdN? 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