Student Attendance & Engagement Office Messaging for Winter
All Grades

Principal Bulletin Informational

Every winter, bad weather and colds, fevers and earaches can present challenges to getting children to school. On top of all that, hardships have worsened for many and students may have to stay home due to Covid-19 or flu.

Chronic absence more than doubled in 2021-22.  It is even more important to communicate with our families about the  importance of learning and offering support to help them overcome challenges! Too many absences can make it hard for students to stay engaged, connected and learning.

We can help parents and community members keep children healthy and develop strategies to attend school each and every day! Below please find messaging ideas, and links to our new messaging toolkits;  just copy and paste right into your newsletters, email blasts or social media posts!

Your partnership with families is crucial to ensuring students get to school every day possible. As a member of the school community, you can communicate with parents and caregivers to let them know you care and you want to partner with them. Share some or all of these talking points with parents during conversations, community events or even in school newspapers or blogs. 

WINTER A & E Family Talking Points

  •  If you’re having trouble getting to school, we want to help! Please call the school office @
  • This is the time of year when winter weather and children’s illnesses can take a toll on school attendance. But it’s important to get your children to school every day possible. 
  • Too many absences can make it hard for students to stay engaged, connected and learning. This is as true in kindergarten and elementary grades as it is in high school. 
  •  Children who miss too much school in kindergarten are less likely to read well by third grade. By middle school, absenteeism can predict who will graduate from high school. 
  • Schedule a yearly physical for each child and make sure students are up to date on vaccines, including flu and Covid. 
  • If you are concerned your child may have Covid, or if your child seems anxious about going to school, call the child’s medical practitioner and/or the school nurse for advice. 
  • If your child is unable to get to school due to Covid or other significant challenges, ask the school for materials to keep learning at home. Help your child stay connected to classmates and teachers. 
  • Help your children learn to persevere. Today, they learn to overcome wintry weather. In the future, they will have the confidence to triumph over other obstacles to reach their dreams.

Additional Attendance & Engagement Messaging

Emphasize good health habits 

  • Make sure that families provide Medical Verification of illnesses that could prevent them from attending, such as asthma.  Schools should be aware of all students with chronic health issues, and have permission to keep and use necessary medications at school. Offer families access to appropriate resources. Release of Medical Information – to authorize exchange of information with other parties for educational or health care planning:
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  • Ensure that students have access to mental and physical health services (including vaccines, Covid testing and masks) on your campus or make it easy for families to connect with nearby clinics 
  • Screen for food and housing insecurity (Visit: /homeless-services)
  • Promote hand washing before and after eating and after using the bathroom. If soap and water are not readily available, provide access to hand sanitizer. 
  • Keep a closet full of donated coats, hats and mittens for students who show up at school without cold weather clothing. Ask parent organizations, community partners and businesses to stock the closet. 
  • Aim for students to be physically active (recess, gym, after school activities, etc.) for 60 minutes a day. 

Visit for more information

Call the Student Attendance & Engagement Office 916-643-2121