Health Services Update – OTC Test Kits/Stay Home Sick & Report Positive Tests/911 Calls
All Grades

Principal Bulletin Action RequiredDeadline: December 31. 2022

OTC Test Kit Distribution

Over-the Counter (OTC)/At-Home Test kits are being delivered to campuses this week for distribution to all students and staff members.  These tests are for students/staff to have on hand at home for any illness or symptoms that may arise, or if exposed.  This aligns with our continued effort to keep testing easy and accessible for all.  Distribute these tests to all students, staff and contracted staff this week.  

Another round of OTC tests will be distributed prior to Thanksgiving Break, and again before Winter Break.  Find the flyer regarding uploading test results .  We will also be promoting the new , to ease the process of uploading test results.

Stay Home Sick & Report Positive Tests –

All staff and students must stay home when sick with symptoms – the Return to Health requirements for staying home sick and returning to school still apply.  If any student or staff member has any one of the 10 Covid symptoms, they must stay home until symptoms resolve and they present a negative Covid test to the school office or supervisor.  If they do not present a negative test, they must stay out of school for 10 days. OTC test kits, Care Room Testing and Regional Testing Centers are readily available to support testing if an individual needs to Covid testing.

School site administrators and supervisors must reinforce the stay home sick policy to mitigate exposure risk and outbreaks within our schools and worksites.  

All supervisors/schools must report all positive Covid cases to immediately.  All individuals who test positive for Covid must stay home and report the positive test immediately to their supervisor/school.  In turn, supervisors/schools must report all positive Covid cases to immediately. A  contact tracer will follow up with the person to provide guidance on a safe return and guidance to the supervisor for the sending out the exposure notification.

Principals and supervisors must notify classrooms/cohorts of a Covid exposure. Instructions for the exposure notification are sent by contact tracers via email.  

If there are any questions about Covid mitigation, contact tracing or procedures, any staff member, student or family member may call the Covid Hotline at 916-559-0951.

9-1-1 Calls

As with every school year, there are always a number of emergencies that happen on campus.  You are encouraged to consult with your school nurse if you are ever questioning next steps with a serious health issue.  This is a reminder of the signs and symptoms that indicate a 9-1-1 call per the (revised 2013):

  • Not breathing, having difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or is choking.
  • No pulse.
  • Unconscious, semi-conscious or unusually confused.
  • Bleeding that won’t stop.
  • Coughing up or vomiting blood.
  • Chest pain or pressure persisting more than 3-5 minutes, or has chest pain that goes away and comes back.
  • Seizure for the first time, a seizure that lasts more than 5 minutes, multiple seizures, or has a seizure and is pregnant or diabetic.
  • Severe injuries to the head, neck or back.
  • Sudden, severe pain anywhere in the body.
  • Open wound over a suspected fracture or where bone or muscle is exposed.
  • Condition is limb-threatening or other injuries that may leave the person permanently disabled unless he/she receives immediate care; for example: lack of feeling or normal color on injured limb (arm or leg); amputation; severe eye injury
  • Poisoned or taken an overdose.
  • If moving the person could cause further injury.
  • If any emergency medication is given.