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April 21, 2016 Board Meeting

... - Approve Sutter Middle School Field Trip to Washington, D.C., from June 17 – 22, 2016 10.1e - Approve Luther Burbank ... High School Field Trip to Washington, D.C., from May 5 – 11, 2016 10.1k - Approve Business and Financial ...

Board of Education Meeting - Contact the Board of Education Office - - 0 comments

Tonic-Clonic Seizures

... The jerking will slow down and will eventually stop. d) Place on side to aid breathing and to keep the airway clear. Failure to ... seizures occur, or if a single seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, the person should be taken to a medical facility immediately. ...

eTraining - Go back to the Seizures eTraining Page - - 0 comments

Webmaster Survey

Dear School Webmaster, I’d appreciate if you would answer the following questions on your computer ... What programs do you use on a regular basis? (3-5 days a week) : * Microsoft Word Microsoft ... 1 or less 2-3 4-5 6+ Do you currently maintain another ...

Form - - 0 comments