Search: 00, Intranet, 08/2021

6 results


Designated and Integrated ELD

EL Road Map, Setting Up ELD & Model Videos Call to Action – California EL ROADMAP Policy Setting Up Designated ELD How to Access Benchmark ELD ...

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Visit Google Classroom (Post, English Learner (EL) Teacher Resources) ...

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Roadmap to Reclassification

Road Map to Reclassification: Kindergarten – Grade 6  Roadmap to Reclassification: Grade 7-8 Roadmap to Reclassification: Grade 9-12 EL Proficiency Levels (flipbook for teachers) ...

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Vocabulary Development Resources

Vocabulary Instruction for ELD Integrated ELD 7-Step Vocabulary Lesson for Benchmark Advance 7-Step Vocabulary Lesson Template (Post, English Learner (EL) Teacher Resources) ...

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ELPAC Teaching & Learning Resources

Connecting ELPAC to Core Instruction & Teaching and Learning Resources ELD – Connecting ELPAC to Daily Instruction ELD-Connecting Daily Writing to the ELPAC ...

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English Language Arts Common Core State Standards

CCSS ELA Appendix A CCSS ELA Appendix B CCSS ELA Appendix C Common Core Instructional Shifts: ELA/Literacy     (Pod, English Language Arts Resources, English Learner (EL ...

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