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Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
Measure H
During the March 2020 election, Sacramento City USD voters approved Measure H, the District’s $750 million bond proposal, to provide safe, environmentally adaptable, modern schools and playfields through an equitable framework. Please refer to the Board Resolution and Bond Project List for more information on Measure H.
School Safety Task Force
The School Safety is a Task Force consists of grassroots organizations, student advocates, family serving organizations, caregivers and students.
We are honored to have been tasked with the opportunity to identify and make recommendations to change systemic processes that historically generate inequity and disparity. We aim to establish a new definition and approach to student and staff safety inclusive of the perspective, concerns and contribution of our community.
What is the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)?
English Language Advisory Committee is a school site committee that must be formed whenever a school has over 21 or more EL students enrolled.
The committee is responsible for advising the principal and staff on programs and services for English learners and on the development of the school’s academic plan for the following year through the School Site Council.
Contact your student’s school to find out more about ELAC.
Archive: DELAC Meetings 2020-2021
All meetings will be on ZOOM
(virtually) and from 5:30 PM – 7:30
DELAC Flyer: English