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Press release

Sac City Unified Urges Student and Families to Watch for Warning Signs of Suicide September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Sacramento – As part of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, Sacramento City Unified School District urges parents and students to seek mental health support during COVID-19 health pandemic. The district encourages students and parents to learn about signs of distress, and how to ask for help. This includes educating families on the intersection of suicide, mental health, and substance and alcohol abuse. 

Press release

Sac City Unified Demands SCTA to Cease and Desist its Unlawful Effort to Block Students’ Access to the District’s Distance Learning Plan
Letter orders SCTA leadership to end attempts to create confusion for students and families preparing for distance learning

SACRAMENTO – Sacramento City Unified School District today sent a cease and desist letter to the Sacramento City Teachers Association calling on SCTA to cease its direction to its members to ignore the district’s distance learning plan and schedules. Sac City Unified students can little afford any disruption to their education, as 70 percent of students are low-income, foster youth, or English Learners. All students have been impacted by this health crisis, and require a high-quality distance learning program when school resumes.

Press release

Sacramento City Unified Prevails in Fight to Protect Cost Savings for Students

SACRAMENTO -  Sacramento City Unified School District prevailed today in an arbitration with Sacramento City Teachers Association (SCTA) over a 2017 contract dispute between the parties regarding the application of health care savings.    

The arbitrator’s decision agrees with the district and found that district did not violate the contract.
