Search: -30, 2019-2020 Fiscal Year, 2019
Period 3 Reports – September 2019
Financial Documents
1. Revenue By Object F16 (Sort by Fund, Object Code)
2. Resource Summary F16 (Sort by Fund, Resource Code)
3. Location Summary F16 (Sort by Location, Fund Code)
4. Location, Resource Summary F16 (Sort by Location, Fund, Resource Code)
5. Object Summary F16 (Sort by Fund, Object, Resource Code)
6. Summary by Location, Object F02 (Sort by Fund, Location, Object )
7. Summary by Resource F02 (Sort by Fund, Resource, Object Code)
Period 2 Reports – August 2019
Financial Documents
1. Revenue By Object F16 (Sort by Fund, Object Code)
2. Resource Summary F16 (Sort by Fund, Resource Code)
3. Location Summary F16 (Sort by Location, Fund Code)
4. Location, Resource Summary F16 (Sort by Location, Fund, Resource Code)
5. Object Summary F16 (Sort by Fund, Object, Resource Code)
6. Summary by Location, Object F02 (Sort by Fund, Location, Object)
7. Summary by Resource F02 (Sort by Fund, Resource, Object Code)
Period 1 Reports – July 2019
Financial Documents
1. Revenue By Object F16 (Sort by Fund, Object Code)
2. Resource Summary F16 (Sort by Fund, Resource Code)
3. Location Summary F16 (Sort by Location, Fund Code)
4. Location, Resource Summary F16 (Sort by Location, Fund, Resource Code)
5. Object Summary F16 (Sort by Fund, Object, Resource Code)
6. Summary by Location, Object F02 (Sort by Fund, Location, Object)
7. Summary by Resource F02 (Sort by Fund, Resource, Object Code)
2019-2020 Financial Documents
Click on the document category below to view those specific financial documents. Please note: financial documents listed are dated by the board meeting this information was presented. The documents are listed in chronological order by category with the most recent at top.