Search: -30, 01/2023
Health Services Update – February At-Home/OTC Covid Tests
All Grades
Starting this week, all school sites and departments will be getting another allocation of At-Home/OTC Covid test kits to distribute between February 8-10th.
Your assigned Health Aide will assist with these monthly distributions – connect and plan with them and other site-based staff who can support. Follow these steps below:
Free Youth Heart Screening on March 12
All Grades
The Kyle J. Taylor Foundation (KJTF) in collaboration with UC Davis Health and Project ADAM Sacramento is hosting a free Youth Heart Screening for the Sacramento community at Christian Brothers High School on Sunday, March 12, 2023. The screening is open to anyone 12-25 years of age at NO COST and .
Crocker/Riverside Elementary Principal Search Community Meeting
@ Crocker/Riverside Auditorium
This meeting has been scheduled to allow the school community to provide input in the selection of a new principal as well as information outlining the hiring process.
For additional information, please contact the District Office at (916) 643-9244.