Search: -12, District Wellness Committee
Tell Our Students What You Think!
Watch & give feedback on a student-created Wellness Policy Video!
Dear 麻豆果冻传媒 family,
The Food Literacy Center proudly partnered with 4th-6th grade students at Pacific Elementary School on a short video about the School Wellness Policy. Students told us, 鈥淲e want to be healthy, and we want adults to help us learn how.鈥
Please watch the quick video, and then take our . We will share the results with our students to let them know if their efforts made a difference in their school.
Healthy Snacks and Fundraisers FAQs
What are the new state and federal guidelines?
New federal and state regulations restrict the sale of food to students on campuses during the school day to only those items that meet nutritional guidelines. Donuts, cookies, cakes, soda, energy drinks, candy, churros, ice cream and chips generally do not meet these guidelines, due to their high calorie content.
Healthy Fundraisers Compliant Items Order Form
Attached is the order form for compliant food items from Hayes Distributing including their contact information.