Search: -12, 02/2012
Multilingual Documents
入學考試及定向中心(MOC)已經翻譯一些對家長﹐學生及社區有幫助的文件。以下是我們翻譯成中文的文件。假如閣下有任何問題﹐請與 Ms. Amy聯絡﹐ 電話﹕(916)643-2334。感謝您﹗
Watch our “Do You Believe I Can?” PSA
Click on the video above to watch our 30 second public service announcement.
This video features students from C.K. McClatchy High School, Arthur A. Benjamin Health Professions High School, The ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineering) and Robotics clubs at John F. Kennedy High School and George Washington Carver School of Arts and Science.
Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program
Each spring, students in grades two through eleven take STAR tests. The STAR Program consists of several key components, including:
Multilingual Documents
Chúng t?i có b?n d?ch các tài li?u khác nhau th?t h?u d?ng cho các ph? huynh, h?c sinh, và thành viên c?ng ??ng. Nh?ng tài li?u sau ??y ?? ???c Trung T?m ??nh H??ng và Tuy?n Ch?n d?ch sang Ti?ng Vi?t. N?u quí v? có b?t k? th?c m?c nào v? các tài li?u này, xin g?i cho ?ng Tuong Dang, t?i s? (916) 643-2335. C?m ?n quí v?.