Search: -10, Human Resources
The processing fee for teaching and services credentials, certificates, and permits (unless exempt) is $100.00 (an additional $2.50 service fee for online applications).
Renew your credentials/permits online before the expiration date.
Translated Notices to Parents/Guardians, Pupils, Teachers
Chinese, Hmong, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese
Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures: Parent/Guardian Complaint Rights – Classroom Posting (All Schools)
Notices to Parents/Guardians, Pupils, Teachers
Education Code 35186 requires that the Williams Uniform Complaint Procedure: Parent/Guardian Complaint Rights be posted in each classroom.
The Student Eligibility Notice must be posted in the school office of each school serving students in grades 10-12, the district office, and on the Internet website of the school district according to Education Code Section 37254.
Layoff Support
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides virtual, telephonic and in-person counseling. Work and life services: financial, legal, identity theft, health modules, and more. These services are available to all employees, including any person living in the same household. We have switched our EAP provider. Effective 7/1/23 MHN no longer services the District’s EAP program. The new provider is now Optum. Please follow these steps to initiate your EAP services.