Search: -09, Deputy Superintendent's Office
Early Literacy Support Block (ELSB) Grant
Section 113 of the Education Omnibus Trailer Bill (Senate Bill 98) for the 2020-21 California State Budget appropriated $80 million to establish the Early Literacy Support Block (ELSB) Grant Program. The ELSB Grant Program required the California Department of Education (CDE) to award funds to local educational agencies (LEAs) with the 75 schools that had the highest percentage of students in grade three scoring at the lowest achievement standard level on the State Summative English Language Arts (ELA) assessment.
Federal Time Accounting Procedures
Federal law requires that all employees funded with federal grant funds provide verification of their time worked in the federal program. Documentation is required to ensure that the district is properly charging salaries and wages that are reasonable, necessary and allowable in accordance with applicable federal program requirements. The resource codes involved with federal programs reviewed by CDE and that require time accounting forms are 3000-5999, Title I Part A & D; Title II Part A, Title III, 21st Century Grant and CARES Act.
Board Policies & Administrative Regulations
Board of Education policies and administrative regulations can be accessed through the California School Boards Association system .
Public Record Act (PRA) Requests
Please Note – Student records are NOT public records. Please contact the Student Hearing and Placement Office at (916) 643-9425 for copies of student records.
Requests for public records of the District are processed by the Legal Services Department. The Legal Services Department has developed this webpage to provide community members a more effective and cost-efficient way to submit requests for records and access to frequently requested records.