Search: -0822, Principals Bulletin Board, 08/2022

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Principal Bulletin Action RequiredDeadline - December 15, 2022

Student Suicide Prevention Training & Risk Assessment Procedures
All Grades

Today’s students continue to face unprecedented pressures, including continuing to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic that may lead to emotional distress, depression, anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide. The increase in these pressures has resulted in the U.S Surgeon General recognizing Youth Mental Health as a public health crisis: 

Principal Bulletin Action Required

Cooperating Teachers Needed
All Grades

The New Teacher Support Office needs Cooperating Teachers to host student teachers for the 2022-2023 school year. Please share the link for the Cooperating Teacher Interest Survey with your certificated staff who would be a good fit and may be interested in participating. (They must have 3 or more years of teaching experience and hold a clear credential).

Cooperating Teacher Interest Survey

Currently, we are in need of the following Cooperating Teacher Placements:

Principal Bulletin Informational

Health Services Updates – Return to Health Updates, OTC testing & Face Masking
All Grades

Testing Before Returning to Work/School & Holidays

At-Home Covid Test kits were distributed to all schools and departments.  Please distribute widely and encourage students, families and staff to pick up a test kit before school starts and test before returning to school. 

Labor Day Weekend – distribute the remaining kits on Friday, Sept 2nd for staff and students to test before returning to school on Tuesday.