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Principal Bulletin Informational

Adult Support for Equal Access, Students with an IEP
All Grades

New Process: Requesting Aides for Equal Access( 504 Accommodations), Procedures – For Students with an IEP

All accommodations and support will be provided when there is a demonstrated need for the service in order for a student to access general education programs to the same degree as their non-disabled peers If the IEP team finds it necessary that a student must have adult support( Instructional Aide) in order to access educational activities such as Expanded Learning, Field Trips, sports, etc.

Principal Bulletin Informational

Important Religious Holidays and School Event Planning
All Grades

To our Site Leaders,

As you know, Sac City Unified strives to make our campuses inclusive and welcoming places of learning for all. In an effort to be mindful of all of our students’ needs, we ask that you review your school calendar and ensure that no important events (including back to school nights, tryouts, auditions, exams, open houses, proms, graduations, etc.) are planned on major religious holidays for all faiths. Please also share this information with your staff. 

Principal Bulletin Action RequiredDeadline: October 31, 2023

Student Suicide Prevention Training & Risk Assessment Procedures
All Grades

Today’s students continue to face unprecedented pressures, including continuing to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic that may lead to emotional distress, depression, anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide. Suicide continues to be the second leading cause of death among our youth. In 2021 the suicide rate among high school- and college-aged (15-24 yo) youth increased by 8%. 

Staff Lounge Posting


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