Search: -05, Home Calendar, 07/2022
Oak Ridge Elementary School Principal Search Community Meeting and Feedback Survey
@ Zoom
Community input is critical in helping us find our next Oak Ridge Elementary School principal and we will provide our community with opportunities to help us identify characteristics for our new principal and inform the type of interview questions we’ll use in the process.
John Sloat Elementary School Principal Search Community Meeting and Feedback Survey
@ Zoom
Community input is critical in helping us find our next John Sloat Elementary School principal and we will provide our community with opportunities to help us identify characteristics for our new principal and inform the type of interview questions we’ll use in the process.
Job Fair
@ Serna Center
Join us on Wednesday, July 20th from 9-11:30 am for a hiring fair focused on special education vacancies. We have teaching, service provider, and classified positions serving students in all grade levels (Preschool-12th grade) and with mild/moderate and moderate/severe needs.
Download flyer for more information.
Job Fair
@ Serna Center
Join us on Wednesday, July 70th from 9-11:30 am for a hiring fair for bus drivers, campus monitors, clerical positions, teachers and more.