Search: -05, 2011

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General information

Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate (ASCC)

Statute requires that effective July 9, 2010, non-certificated individuals, prior to starting a paid or non-paid position working with pupils in a student activity program sponsored by a school district or county office of education must obtain fingerprint clearance through a criminal background check completed by the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). One option to complete this clearance is to obtain an Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate (ASCC) from the Commission.

A pupil activity program is one sponsored by a school district including, but not limited to, scholastic programs, interscholastic programs, and extracurricular activities sponsored by a school district or school booster club, including, but not limited to, cheer team, drill team, dance team, and marching band.

The ASCC is not limited to one employing agency but may be used in all California public school districts.

Note: The ASCC may not apply to every volunteer at a school site. There are specific exemptions for volunteer supervisors for breakfast, lunch, or nutritional periods and non-teaching volunteer aides, such as a parent volunteering in a classroom or on a field trip, or a community member providing non-instructional services. Questions regarding the need for this type of criminal background check should be addressed to the local employing agency.

To complete an application for an Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate, click on the following link:

Регистрационный центр (MOC)
русский язык / Russian


Добро пожаловать в наш регистрационный центр (МОС) – централизованный отдел объединённого школьного округа города Сакраменто (鶹ý), целью работы которого является предоставление высококвалифицированной помощи при регистрации в школу детям из семей, родной язык которых не английский.

В нашем центре работают переводчики, которые помогают родителям по всем вопросам, связанным с многочисленными программами, представленными в нашем школьном округе. Мы имеем профессиональных переводчиков с испанского, лаосского, китайского, русского, и вьетнамского языков.

5601 47th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95824
Luda Hedger, Supervisor
(916) 643-2374