Search: -0322, Principals Bulletin Board, 09/2023
EL Master Plan 2023-24
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This is the revised Final Draft 2023-2024 EL Master Plan for all principals.
6th Grade Science Camps – 2023/24
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Memo out to school sites regarding the budget codes to use to pay for 6th grade science camp field trips.
Beginning of the Year Student Attendance Reminders
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Important Religious Holidays and School Event Planning
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To our Site Leaders,
As you know, Sac City Unified strives to make our campuses inclusive and welcoming places of learning for all. In an effort to be mindful of all of our students’ needs, we ask that you review your school calendar and ensure that no important events (including back to school nights, tryouts, auditions, exams, open houses, proms, graduations, etc.) are planned on major religious holidays for all faiths. Please also share this information with your staff.
Adult Support for Equal Access, Students with an IEP
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New Process: Requesting Aides for Equal Access( 504 Accommodations), Procedures – For Students with an IEP
All accommodations and support will be provided when there is a demonstrated need for the service in order for a student to access general education programs to the same degree as their non-disabled peers If the IEP team finds it necessary that a student must have adult support( Instructional Aide) in order to access educational activities such as Expanded Learning, Field Trips, sports, etc.
Last Week of Attendance Awareness Month Reminders
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LAST WEEK OF ATTENDANCE AWARENESS MONTH REMINDERS….We are in the last week of Attendance Awareness Month, Push even harder these last few days to STRIVE FOR 95%! District Wide we are at 94.5%!! With a few days left let’s keep our students in class, making up for all of the missed learning opportunities over the last 3 years.
If you are already feeling overwhelmed, defeated, like its been 4 months, not 4 weeks… then COME get Re-energized with the Office of attendance & engagement at AIM, this Friday at 9:30 am in the SERNA Community Rooms
Reminder to Report COVID cases
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COVID-19 Cases are up and we are seeing a number of outbreaks. As you know the district changed exposure notification procedures for classroom exposures starting 9/5/23. CDPH and Sacramento County Public Health advise us not to send exposure notifications to families when there is a case of Covid-19 at school, including when there is an outbreak. COVID-19 is now considered endemic and widespread. It is not causing the severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths that occurred earlier in the pandemic, and therefore is being treated similarly to flu.
2023-24 School Site Council & SPSA Timeline
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Please review the 2023-24 School Site Council & SPSA Timeline.
Protocol for Expenditure Requests
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Please see the attached document for guidance on how to use proper citations when submitting a requisition online.
Expenditure Requests within your School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)